Thursday 28 June 2012

Monday 25 June 2012

5 Tips Untuk Kempiskan Perut (Cara Natural)

How To Cut Belly Fat In 1 Week
5 Tips Untuk Kempiskan Perut:

1) Makan makanan yang betul

Untuk mengempiskan perut kita perlu makan makanan yang seimbang didalam makanan harian kita kerana diet yang betul boleh membuang lemak di bahagian perut. Makan yang betul sepatutnya mengandungi karbohidrat kompleks, fiber, vitamin dan mineral, “lean protein” , ikan dan the hijau.

2) Tinggalkan makanan ringan atau fast food
Makan makanan ringan dan makanan segera adalah tidak baik untuk kesihatan dan akan membuatkan lemak berkumpul di bahagian perut jika diambil dengan berlebihan. Kita sepatutnya menggelakkan mengambil karbohidrat yang diproses, gula, makan bergoreng (”deep fried food” ), makanan segera dan apa jua makanan berlemak.

3) Berhenti makan lewat malam.
Kebanyakkan orang akan terus tidur selepas makan lewat malam. Ini bermakna lebihan gula yang dimakan semasa makan lewat malam akan ditukar kepada lemak kerana badan tidak boleh membakar lemak semasa kita tidur.

4) Kurangkan minum soda, jus atau minuman bergula.
Soda, jus asli atau minuman bergula mengandungi banyak kalori dan akan merosakkan usaha kita untuk mengempiskan perut. Berhenti minum minuman bergula dan banyakkan minum air kosong atau air mineral.

5) Latihan kardio dan berat.
Melakukan senaman kardio adalah amat penting untuk mengempiskan perut kerana senaman ini dapat membakar kalori lebih banyak dari melakukan senaman perut. Contoh senaman kardio seperti jogging, berjalan. Dan menaiki tangga. Diharap dengan tip-tip yang diberi dapat membantu anda dalam usaha anda mendapatkan bentuk

Sunday 24 June 2012

API Fatburner Advanced Latest Testimonial

API Fatburner Advanced Latest Testimonial
Woooh! Another 10 Kgs drop in a month after consume API Fatburner Advanced. Do u believe this? Try it yourself today to see the result on you! Call or sms us at 012-939 5094 and 016-612 5856 now. RM 150 Free Shipping ~

For more testimonial please click ---->  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=247709512005605&set=a.202385139871376.39243.148539898589234&type=1&theater

Thursday 21 June 2012

Sunday 17 June 2012

Protein : The Facts

 How protein can help with your goals
Your muscles are made up of 30% protein and 70% water. Muscles need protein in order to grow, recover and work well.

When you train with weights, you need to take in sufficient amounts of protein to get the best results.
You should ideally include protein in every meal, especially if you are training hard and heavy.
The best protein sources are: lean meats, fish, dairy, eggs and some vegetarian sources.
When you train with weights, your muscles get broken down and need to be rebuilt again. It is protein and protein alone that rebuilds them. If you don’t take in enough protein and you have been training hard, then not only will you not build muscles, you may also start losing muscles too.

To build the best body, you must eat around 1.5g of protein per lb of bodyweight daily. For example, if you weight 150 lbs, you should eat 225g of protein, spaced out throughout the day (150 x 1.5).
Not all proteins are the same. Protein from meat, fish and eggs is generally better than vegetarian sources.
If you are serious about your training and you don’t want to be wasting your time in the gym, then you must take a high grade protein supplement. Most “foods” don’t have a full amino acid profile [amino acids are the building blocks of protein and ultimately, muscles].

A high quality whey protein supplement contains all amino acids required for optimal muscle growth. When you take a high quality protein supplement alongside your training, you ensure that you recover quicker, you rebuild muscles faster, you are less tired and you pump muscles full of protein - bearing in mind that 30% of muscles are made of protein.
Some high-end proteins can do even more. They can pump more protein into your muscles (than cheaper ones), they have more amino acids at higher rates (up to 19), they have more protein per serving and they can double results in less time due to the way they have been made.

Awesome Back !

I see a Back likes Satan have~

Big Arm

Big Arm
Biggest Arm that make me admire you.

Thursday 14 June 2012

How To Build Big Chest

Big Chest Workout

How to build an impressive Chest: The secrets
There are few things as impressive as a strong, powerful chest (pecs). Genetics do play a big part in chest development. However even if you have bad genetics, the following will help you build an impressive chest in record time.

Always do the maximum weight you can handle in good form with a full range of motion i.e. full contraction and full stretch.
Do the following no more than once every 5-7 days:
Bench Press: 3 x 8 reps
Inclined Bench Press: 3 x 8 reps
Declined Bench Press: 3 x 8 reps
Dips 3 x 8 sets - if you can do more, then add enough weight so you can’t go over 8 reps
Military Overhead Press 3 x 8 reps
Cable Crossover 3 x 8 reps
Chest development is also very much dependent on posing and stretching as well as posture.

Take a look at some classic bodybuilding chest poses and replicate them in the mirror. Make sure you hold the poses for a few seconds and contract your muscles fully. Do this after every set and every workout. Do it 2 more times in the week.

Stretching your chest muscles can help with their development. Make sure you stretch your chest muscles in between sets and ensure each rep goes to a full stretch (without injuring yourself).
Posture is as much as 30% of how your chest appears! Always sit and stand erect, giving your chest out. Over time, you will have better chest development and people will perceive you to have a more aesthetic physique. Many people have a weak back (that they may not even be aware of) and due to this, they stand slightly hunched. If you think this is you, then see a Reflexologist or Chiropractor/Osteopath to fix your back.
How you hod your spine and making a conscious effort to stand erect with your chest out will over time help your looks.

Common mistakes to avoid if you want the ultimate set of pecs!
  • Over training - Most people train the chest too many times a week. Aim to train once a week or do the push-ups below if you are away/not near a gym.
  • Not eating enough protein or carbohydrates - If you break the pectoral (chest) muscles down, you must eat protein to repair & rebuild them.
  • Not increasing the weight - You must increase the weights you are lifting every week (even if by half a kilo) to get your chest bigger - never do the same weight week in week out.
  • Pay attention - If something is working, stick to it. If something is not, give it 2-4 weeks and then change.
Supplements & diet

Keep at it
Chest is one of those muscle groups that can get deflated if you lay off it for a while. This is why it is important to always keep the pressure on - without over training.
Your normal routine should incorporate chest training once a week. If you are going away, on holiday or you don’t have time to train chest, then you must keep the pump by doing the following:

Keep the pump
Do: 30 (or as many as you can do) push ups with hands close together x 3 sets
30 push ups (with your feet elevated about 1/2 metre on a bench/ chair) x 3 sets
30 x push ups with hands as far apart as possible x 3 sets
Do the above twice a week.

Friday 8 June 2012

10 REASONS Why Women Should Do Resistance Training

10 REASONS Why Women Should Do Resistance Training.
Over the last decade, researchers have made extremely compelling arguments for the benefits of weight training for women and those over the age of forty. Still, the number of women who take this recommendation to heart is still quite low.
Most women who exercise are spending most of their gym time on cardiovascular exercise, and less time using resistance that challenges their bodies. Resistance training does not have to be hitting the weight room with an all-male crowd and intimidating machines.
You have options and you owe it to yourself to explore them. There are specific women only fitness centers now available. However, you still need to find the right one that will allow your body and mind to grow rather than doing the same old routine without progressive resistance.

1. You Will Lose Body Fat
Studies performed by Wayne Westcott, PhD, from the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts, found that the average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat.
As your lean muscle increases so does your resting metabolism, and you burn more calories all day long. Generally speaking, for each pound of muscle you gain, you burn 35 to 50 more calories each day. That can really add up.

2. You Will Gain Strength Without Bulk
Researchers also found that unlike men, women typically don't gain size from strength training, because compared to men, women have 10 to 30 times less of the hormones that cause muscle hypertrophy. You will, however, develop muscle tone and definition. This is a bonus.

3. You Decrease Your Risk Of Osteoporosis
Research has found that weight training can increase spinal bone mineral density (and enhance bone modeling) by 13 percent in six months. This, coupled with an adequate amount of dietary calcium, can be a women's best defense against osteoporosis.

4. You Will Improve Your Athletic Performance
Over and over research concludes that strength training improves athletic ability in all but the very elite athletes. Golfers can significantly increase their driving power.
Cyclists are able to continue for longer periods of time with less fatigue. Skiers improve technique and reduce injury. Whatever sport you play, strength training has been shown to improve overall performance as well as decrease the risk of injury.

5. You Will Be Physically Stronger
Increasing your strength will make you far less dependent upon others for assistance in daily living. Chores will be easier, lifting kids, groceries and laundry will no longer push you to the max.
If your maximum strength is increased, daily tasks and routine exercise will be far less likely to cause injury. Research studies conclude that even moderate weight training can increase a woman's strength by 30 to 50 percent. Research also shows that women can develop their strength at the same rate as men.

6. You Will Reduce Your Risk Of Injury, Back Pain & Arthritis
Strength training not only builds stronger muscles, but also builds stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability. This acts as reinforcement for the joints and helps prevent injury. A recent 12-year study showed that strengthening the low-back muscles had an 80 percent success rate in eliminating or alleviating low-back pain. Other studies have indicated that weight training can ease the pain of osteoarthritis and strengthen joints.

7. You Will Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease
According to Dr. Barry A. Franklin, of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan, weight training can improve cardiovascular health in several ways, including lowering LDL ("bad") cholesterol, increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.
When cardiovascular exercise is added, these benefits are maximized.

8. You Will Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes
In addition, Dr. Franklin noted that weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes is a growing problem for women and men. Research indicates that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in four months.

9. It Is Never Too Late To Benefit
Women in their 70's and 80's have built up significant strength through weight training and studies show that strength improvements are possible at any age.

10. You Will Improve Your Attitude And Fight Depression
A Harvard study found that 10 weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression symptoms more successfully than standard counseling did. Women who strength train commonly report feeling more confident and capable as a result of their program, all important factors in fighting depression.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Original API Fatburner Advanced - Hologram Sticker ?!

Original API Fatburner Advanced - Hologram Sticker ?!
To all our friend and potential buyer,

There is always an issue regarding the Hologram Sticker, the Originality, an Authentic of the API Fatburner Advanced that we selling. How differentiate the Original product with Pirated product? Izit the one with or without hologram sticker is Original product?

Please CLICK HERE... http://www.facebook.com/TeamAPI/posts/299784323380358

Info: The Hologram sticker is not stick by API and of course our product is original. TQ

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Tuesday 5 June 2012

Great Girl Body Builder

Women Body builder
Which one do you think won the title?

Monday 4 June 2012

Solid Hard 6 Pack - Beach Boy Body

6 Pack Abs - Beach Body
Nice Beach body that every guys hope to get it? Ask us how to get it today at 012-939 5094. We have a secret to get 6 pack abs!