Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sugar & Salt

There are a lot of arguments about the benefits and the harmful effects of using both sugar and salt. Sugar is certainly a concern when it decays your teeth, adds unwanted pounds, and causes an increase in blood glucose levels. Salt is a seasoning that has been restricted from the diets of people with hypertension for many years. Of course, it has also been shown to have some benefits, such as increasing healing of wounds as well as supplying us with necessary iodine in our diets. Neither of these ingredients has a place on the menu when you are trying to diet for weight loss.

Sugar is certainly one of the most-craved ingredients among junk-food eaters. Eating foods with high sugar contents can cause a peak in glucose which triggers a release of insulin from your pancreas. This release of insulin gets rid of the glucose and then causes you to crave even more sugar. This is why some of us have so much trouble stopping once we have begun a binge on ice cream and cookies. Eating a lot of sugar can cause a domino affect that can ruin a diet.

Salt shouldn’t be used excessively at any time but especially when you are dieting to lose weight. This is due partly to the swelling and fluid retention that can be increased with salt consumption. The other reason is that it makes your food taste better.

While dieting, this is the one time you don’t want your food to taste so good that you can’t get enough of it. Salt is one of the oldest known flavor enhancers and it is another food that causes you to want to keep eating more. Think about how many potato chips you ended up eating the last time you opened a bag. Just make sure you find another source of iodine while dieting.

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