Friday 27 April 2012

Benefit of Cycling ~

Isn’t exercise wonderful? Well, it should be. There’s a lot of difference between sitting in the middle of your living room floor exercising and getting out and participating in something that you enjoy.

If you want an enjoyable way to exercise and don’t know of any type of sport you want to play, then get a bike. If you never learned to ride one as a kid, then it’s high time you did! If you live close to your job or school, you may even consider using your bike as your new transportation.

Get professional help when you buy a bike. It matters while type you get, and your bicycle needs to fit you for you to get the most from it and not injure yourself. You want the type of bike that is suitable for the type of riding you want to do, too. There’s not much point for an expensive mountain bike if you’re only going to be riding it on city streets to the market. Whatever you do, don’t forget the helmet.

Once you get past the achy muscles and start to enjoy your rides, you may even consider getting involved in some competitions. There are bikathons for those who would rather pedal their way to victory than to run.

If you start riding a bike and get one of those cute little seats to go on the back for the baby, be extremely cautious! True, you are adding some weight to your exercise, but that extra weight isn’t as easy to balance with as it looks. Make sure your baby has a good, well-fitting helmet on and stay away from busy streets. You may even want to tie some weight into the seat before you try it with the baby to help you get the hang of it.

Riding a bike is an environmentally friendly thing to do!

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