Tuesday 17 April 2012

No Smoking~

There’s an unhealthy trend that is growing among women, especially teenage girls. In an effort to lose weight, more of them are smoking. This is never a good idea. At a time when we are aware of all the dangers that come from this habit, it is hard to imagine that anyone would think of smoking cigarettes as the best way to drop a few pounds.

Often, it starts out to be a temporary plan. They intend to smoke until they lose a certain amount, and then they’ll quit. Of course, they don’t take into account the addictiveness of nicotine or from the habit of smoking behavior itself. If you plan to smoke until you drop ten pounds, by the time you meet your goal, or as is more often the case, you don’t, then you are already addicted to smoking. You have just joined the ranks of those who want to quit smoking and can’t.

Recent findings have concluded that smoking does not increase or decrease the amount of weight gained by anyone. It is true that when long-time smokers quit smoking, they will often put on a few pounds at the beginning. This can often be due to the need to have something in your hand. Food is frequently substituted for cigarettes. When it does happen, the weight gain usually levels off after a short time.

There are basically two reasons people decide to lose weight. One is to be healthier and the other is to look better. For women, the latter is most often the case. When they choose smoking as their “temporary” weight loss plan, not only do they choose the most unhealthy weight loss plan, they also choose the plan that will hurt their looks the most. Not only does smoking kill, it increases the signs of aging. In other words, wrinkles.

No matter what you age, there is nothing good about smoking to lose weight or for any other reason. Find another way, any other way!

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