Wednesday 4 April 2012

Diet Tips - Willpower !!

Willpower isn’t something we all have in abundance. If you are trying to diet, your strategy may be to just stay away from what you can’t have. Most of the time that may be enough. But eventually there’s going to be an occasion where you have to go out to dinner with friends or family, and that always has the potential to get ugly.

“It’s just this one time” “Go ahead, eat desert, it will be my treat” “Take a bite, this cake is wonderful”. Someone who has never tried to diet doesn’t understand that one you get off track, it can be extremely difficult to get back on again.

If you know you’re going out to eat, then make your salad before you leave home. Put all the right things in it, heavy on the greens, and wash it down with clear, cold water. Fill up with fiber and calorie-free liquid before you go out. Yes, there will probably be salads at the restaurant. But you may have a problem with choosing what you want in that salad and it may be the most fattening thing you have during the meal. Not to mention, once you’re in the restaurant, you’re fair game. Salad may not even be an option and your willpower will fall by the wayside. If you’ve ever heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” then apply it to this situation. By fixing your salad at home, you may prevent sabotaging yourself into several pounds.

Also keep in mind that caffeine is a stimulant. If you drink iced tea or diet soda with your meal, it may cause you to be hungrier. The water that you drank with your salad before you left home will serve a purpose as well. It will quench your thirst, fill you up, and keep you from being as hungry instead of making you even hungrier.

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