Friday 4 May 2012

Sweat Is Good~

There are approximately 2 million sweat glands in our body and as our body breaks down our food, as well as the many other functions that it does, our body is heating up to get things done. Believe it or not we even sweat on cold days.

The average person uses approximately 2,500 calories a day to fuel our bodies. When this happens it creates oxidation that produces enough heat to bring 25 quarts of water to boiling. Our bodies were meant to be at 98.6 and our bodies could in no way tolerate this kind of heat, so we are lucky to have been created with a built in cooling system. When this happens, it slows down the calorie burning and opens blood vessels in our skin to release the heat.

Sweating is not only important for maintaining proper temperature but is also important for cleansing. When we sweat our bodies release various toxins that hinder our bodies in many ways. In fact, some toxins can only be eliminated from the body through the skin.

When you have a high toxic load your body will hang on to fat. The more we reduce our toxic load the easier it is for our body to burn that unwanted fat that we have. I often will recommend people use a wet sauna to help release toxins. There is so much new research that shows that the higher your toxic load is the more difficult that it is to release fat. It is important to remember to make sure you are drinking ton’s of water when you do this and replace your minerals.

Now some people sweat more than others. In my case I have a thyroid problem and that is one of the indications for me that I need to be tested to make sure my medication is high enough. I never used deodorant up until 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with low thyroid, because I didn’t sweat much. Once I got that balanced I began to sweat and when I find that my sweating is down, that is usually a sign I need to be tested again to make sure I am at maximum levels. If you find that you don’t sweat, gain weight easily, are constipated, low BP and low body temp, you may want to have a full thyroid panel done to make sure you are where you are suppose to be. They will only want to run TSH, but insist on the full!!! Another reason some do not sweat is because of dehydration. You need to drink half your body weight in water daily, if you train hard you need more!!

If you are a person that sweats fine, it is important to remember to make sure you are getting plenty of plant based mineral. You may want to take a multi mineral formula, but make sure it is plant based!!! The other kind comes from rocks and your body can’t use it!!

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