Thursday 31 May 2012

Healthy Food

Diet Meal
"You are what you eat"...eat healthy to ensure you get a good source of food.

Shoulder Workout - Cable Front Raise

Cable Front Raise
Primary Muscle: Deltoids
Additional Muscle: Trapezius, Pectotalis
Skill Level: Intermediate

STEP 1: Grab the handle of a floor pulley with your left hand. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and fairly close to the puller with your back toward it.

STEP 2: Bend your left arm slightly and keep it fixed at the elbow throughout the movement.

STEP 3: Keep your torso still as you raise your left arm forward to shoulder level. Your palm should be facing the floor at the peak.

STEP 4: Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your arm back to starting position.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Motivation Of The Day ~

This really motivate me~ Its so true!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Motivation Of The Day ~

Motivation Of The Day. Nice lean body~

Monday 21 May 2012

Sugar Fact That You Should Know

Fact that you need to know especially bodybuilder and those who always claim that hard to build your 6 pack~ If you take this frequently, u will never have chance to meet with your shy 6 pack forever~

Wednesday 16 May 2012

API Fat Burner Advanced Tower ~

API Fatburner Advanced Reloaded. To order please SMS me at 012-9395094. Guarantee Special Rate!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

API Fat Burner Advanced Testimoni

1 month drop 7 kgs even seldom workout. This is amazing result shown by API Fatburner Advanced. Yes, you can drop weight even with less workout or no diet too. This is the prove its work! Want to know how? SMS me today at 012-939 5094 Alan.

Triceps Workout

In order to have big hand, you must train your triceps more. The bigger your triceps the bigger ur hand will look like.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Nice 6 Pack Abs

Which one u like the most? Do you prefer this kind of Beach Body or the Mr Universal body ?

Leg Workout ~

Make sure you include a Leg Workout in your weekly workout routine. You will consider as Gym Idoit if you miss out the leg workout in your weekly workout routine.

Weight Training Stretches ~

For those who wana start your gym session, make sure you do make stretches to avoid injury. Make sure do it ya. Its important especially if you doing heavy lift. After stretches, then go for cardio exercise before start your lifting. Good luck~

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Which One Is You? LEFT or RIGHT?

Which one you prefer to be? Left or Right one? The choice is always in you hand. Think twice before you put something in your mouth~

Friday 4 May 2012

Sweat Is Good~

There are approximately 2 million sweat glands in our body and as our body breaks down our food, as well as the many other functions that it does, our body is heating up to get things done. Believe it or not we even sweat on cold days.

The average person uses approximately 2,500 calories a day to fuel our bodies. When this happens it creates oxidation that produces enough heat to bring 25 quarts of water to boiling. Our bodies were meant to be at 98.6 and our bodies could in no way tolerate this kind of heat, so we are lucky to have been created with a built in cooling system. When this happens, it slows down the calorie burning and opens blood vessels in our skin to release the heat.

Sweating is not only important for maintaining proper temperature but is also important for cleansing. When we sweat our bodies release various toxins that hinder our bodies in many ways. In fact, some toxins can only be eliminated from the body through the skin.

When you have a high toxic load your body will hang on to fat. The more we reduce our toxic load the easier it is for our body to burn that unwanted fat that we have. I often will recommend people use a wet sauna to help release toxins. There is so much new research that shows that the higher your toxic load is the more difficult that it is to release fat. It is important to remember to make sure you are drinking ton’s of water when you do this and replace your minerals.

Now some people sweat more than others. In my case I have a thyroid problem and that is one of the indications for me that I need to be tested to make sure my medication is high enough. I never used deodorant up until 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with low thyroid, because I didn’t sweat much. Once I got that balanced I began to sweat and when I find that my sweating is down, that is usually a sign I need to be tested again to make sure I am at maximum levels. If you find that you don’t sweat, gain weight easily, are constipated, low BP and low body temp, you may want to have a full thyroid panel done to make sure you are where you are suppose to be. They will only want to run TSH, but insist on the full!!! Another reason some do not sweat is because of dehydration. You need to drink half your body weight in water daily, if you train hard you need more!!

If you are a person that sweats fine, it is important to remember to make sure you are getting plenty of plant based mineral. You may want to take a multi mineral formula, but make sure it is plant based!!! The other kind comes from rocks and your body can’t use it!!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

API Fatburner Advanced - Green Tea Extract, No Side Effect ~

API Fat Burner Advanced
API Fat Burner Advanced - Stock Replenish

RM 150.00 FREE SHIPPING SMS me at 012-939 5094 

API’s FAT BURNER ADVANCED will likely end your search for the most effective weight loss formula. Be prepared to experience your weight loss goals when you implement FAT BURNER ADVANCED into your diet and exercise program.

This carefully balanced formula combines the best known and most effective lipotropics and thermogenics in the industry. The thermogenic blend of Coffee Arabica, Green Tea, Kola Nut, Cayenne Pepper, and Cinnamon helps promote your body to target fat for the production of heat. L-Carnitine, a lipotropic agent assists by transporting fat to the part of the cell where it can be used as fuel. The addition of Chromium further assists by helping control fat storage. 

This combination creates the best environment for burning fat while also interrupting the storage of fat. FAT BURNER ADVANCED is also a good source of antioxidants and polyphenols to fight against free radicals in the body.*

Fatty Fish~

Fish fatty acids have many far reaching health benefits and should be included as a part of your balanced diet. These essential fatty acids, primarily omega-3s, must be consumed through diet, as your body does not produce them on its own.

Sources of omega-3s can be ingested either through fatty fish or supplements. Though natural fish consumption is thought to be the best because of the additional nutrients it provides your body, either method of consumption will produce positive results on your long-term health. Fatty fishes include salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and anchovies, and they should be eaten at least twice a week to bring the following benefits to your body:

Advantage #1: Reduces Cancer Risk

Regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the risk of several types of cancer by up to 50%, including breast, ovary, prostate, esophagus, colon and oral cancers.

Advantage #2: Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Research has shown that by eating fatty fishes twice a week, you can reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. Eating these fish helps to reduce blood clots, improve blood vessel elasticity, lower blood pressure, boost good cholesterol and lower blood fats, all of which contribute to your improved cardiovascular health.

Advantage #3: Decreases Dementia Risk

Studies have proven that elderly people who eat seafood or fish at least once weekly, have a much lower risk of developing both dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Advantage #4: Helps Manage Diabetes

Regular eating of fatty fish has been shown to help manage blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Advantage #5: Helps Relieve Inflammatory Conditions

Eating fatty fish on a regular basis has been proven to assist in relieving some of the symptoms of inflammatory conditions like autoimmune diseases, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Advantage #6: Improves Brain and Eye Health

A diet rich in omega-3s, the vital nutrient supplied in fatty fish, has been shown to contribute to the health of both brain tissue and the retina.

Advantage #7: Decreases Depression Rates

The omega-3s in fatty fish have been linked to producing lower incidences of depression in those people that regularly consume fish.

Advantage #8: Decreases Asthma Risk

Studies have shown that children who eat fatty fish are much less likely to develop asthma throughout their lives.

With so many health benefits, there is no reason to not increase your consumption of fatty fish. Try different fish and recipes, and experiment with baking, steaming, poaching and grilling the fish to really get started on the road to healthier eating and living.