Friday 27 April 2012

Benefit of Cycling ~

Isn’t exercise wonderful? Well, it should be. There’s a lot of difference between sitting in the middle of your living room floor exercising and getting out and participating in something that you enjoy.

If you want an enjoyable way to exercise and don’t know of any type of sport you want to play, then get a bike. If you never learned to ride one as a kid, then it’s high time you did! If you live close to your job or school, you may even consider using your bike as your new transportation.

Get professional help when you buy a bike. It matters while type you get, and your bicycle needs to fit you for you to get the most from it and not injure yourself. You want the type of bike that is suitable for the type of riding you want to do, too. There’s not much point for an expensive mountain bike if you’re only going to be riding it on city streets to the market. Whatever you do, don’t forget the helmet.

Once you get past the achy muscles and start to enjoy your rides, you may even consider getting involved in some competitions. There are bikathons for those who would rather pedal their way to victory than to run.

If you start riding a bike and get one of those cute little seats to go on the back for the baby, be extremely cautious! True, you are adding some weight to your exercise, but that extra weight isn’t as easy to balance with as it looks. Make sure your baby has a good, well-fitting helmet on and stay away from busy streets. You may even want to tie some weight into the seat before you try it with the baby to help you get the hang of it.

Riding a bike is an environmentally friendly thing to do!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Benefit Of Red Meat ~


Children and teenagers, particularly girls, have been found to be deficient in zinc - half of all girls in their teens do not have healthy levels of the mineral.

Some research has shown that having red meat less than twice a week can result in zinc deficiencies. Zinc is particularly important for healthy skin and a healthy immune system. During the winter months in particular a good supply may help prevent colds and other infections.

While other foods such as oysters, milk and lentils contain zinc, red meat is the most efficient way of getting it into your body.


Red meat is an essential source of iron - lean beef has 2.7mg of iron per 100g - and is vital to good health, as well as preventing conditions such as anaemia. Up to a quarter of menstruating women are thought to be deficient in iron. Meat contains more iron than most foods, and it is more easily utilised by the body than from vegetable sources.

Elderly people, pregnant women, children and those recovering from surgery could all benefit from increased iron intake. Iron helps to generate red blood cells, which carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide back to the lungs. Red meat is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and selenium.


Red meat is a major source of protein, which is needed for muscle and organ health. The protein found in meat is "complete", meaning that it contains all the amino acids that the body cannot make on its own. It is essential for the body's repair and renewal as well as general health.

Weight loss

Australian scientists have found that people who ate a diet high in protein, based on lean red meat, as well as fruit and vegetables, lost 25 per cent more weight over a fixed period of time than those who ate a low protein, carbohydrate-rich diet that contained the same amount of calories and fat.

The scientists concluded that some people might be more successful in losing weight on a high-protein diet because they felt less hungry and could go without food for longer. Those on the high-protein diet also saw levels of their "bad" cholesterol drop.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

10 Benefit Of Egg ~

1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.

2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.

3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.
4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.

5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.

7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.

8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.

10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

Monday 23 April 2012

Fish - Good Protein Source

Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. See how to properly cook fish and try our healthy fish recipes.

Healthy Heart and Brain

Eating fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients keep our heart and brain healthy. Two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Our bodies don't produce omega-3 fatty acids so we must get them through the food we eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in every kind of fish, but are especially high in fatty fish. Some good choices are salmon, trout, sardines, herring, canned mackerel, canned light tuna, and oysters.

Stability Ball Is Good For Us ~

If you’ve tried one of the workouts now available on a stability ball, you know how amazing they are. Trying to do the simplest moves at the same time you balance the ball works lots more muscles and gives you an unbelievable workout. If you haven’t tried it, you should. You won’t believe the difference it makes.

The stability ball doesn’t have to be limited to your workouts. You can use it to sit at a desk, to watch TV, pretty much anything you normally would sit in a chair for. It doesn’t take long for you to start balancing the ball without even thinking about it. You’ll know it’s making a difference when you start feeling the tension in your legs and glutes.

The one thing you have to keep in mind is that there is no back on a stability ball to give your back support. That means you have to make a conscious effort to have good posture. You’ll get used to that too, and you can think of it as a practice for holding your back straight.

If you spend a lot of time at the computer, you can use the stability ball as your computer chair. Just make sure you get the right height for you to comfortably reach the keyboard. When you feel like you need a break, just roll back from the desk, stretch out and do a few sit-ups or any of the other many exercises you can do on the ball. It’s so much easier and more comfortable than lying on the hard floor. You don’t even have to work hard to persuade yourself to exercise, because you’re already half way there!

Try a stability ball to get yourself in the best shape with the least effort. As a bonus, it will probably end up being your favorite piece of furniture!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Slide Of Fat On Meat~

Most meat has fat on it. So before you cook it cut the fat off and throw the fat away, because that won’t be good for you. I know it’s tasty but it won’t help you with your diet. It may feel like it won’t make much of a difference but it will do in the long run. You will probably be surprised as to how much fat is actually on the meat.
Every piece of fat you put in your mouth won’t help your diet so get rid of it before you cook your meal. That way you will know that when you are eating it you are not putting any fat in your body. Remember the more fat you eat the more fat is going back on your body, which inevitably means the more fat you need to lose.

Important Of Water Intake~

Many experts in nutrition and health feel that adequate water intake is the key to good health, including weight loss. Many of us, however, are dehydrated, even if we don’t realize it. Water has tremendous health benefits, from helping to remove waste and toxins from our bodies, to helping with digestive issues, to keeping our skin supple and clear.
When calculating your water intake, a key thing to keep in mind is to not count your coffee, tea or soda consumption towards your water intake for the day. These drinks contain caffeine, which in turn dehydrates you further. You may, in fact, need to drink extra water to make up for the dehydrating effects from caffeinated beverages.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

No Smoking~

There’s an unhealthy trend that is growing among women, especially teenage girls. In an effort to lose weight, more of them are smoking. This is never a good idea. At a time when we are aware of all the dangers that come from this habit, it is hard to imagine that anyone would think of smoking cigarettes as the best way to drop a few pounds.

Often, it starts out to be a temporary plan. They intend to smoke until they lose a certain amount, and then they’ll quit. Of course, they don’t take into account the addictiveness of nicotine or from the habit of smoking behavior itself. If you plan to smoke until you drop ten pounds, by the time you meet your goal, or as is more often the case, you don’t, then you are already addicted to smoking. You have just joined the ranks of those who want to quit smoking and can’t.

Recent findings have concluded that smoking does not increase or decrease the amount of weight gained by anyone. It is true that when long-time smokers quit smoking, they will often put on a few pounds at the beginning. This can often be due to the need to have something in your hand. Food is frequently substituted for cigarettes. When it does happen, the weight gain usually levels off after a short time.

There are basically two reasons people decide to lose weight. One is to be healthier and the other is to look better. For women, the latter is most often the case. When they choose smoking as their “temporary” weight loss plan, not only do they choose the most unhealthy weight loss plan, they also choose the plan that will hurt their looks the most. Not only does smoking kill, it increases the signs of aging. In other words, wrinkles.

No matter what you age, there is nothing good about smoking to lose weight or for any other reason. Find another way, any other way!

Monday 16 April 2012

Smaller Portion Of Food ~

Ever ordered food from a restaurant and thought “wow, that is a LOT of food”, probably too much, but proceeded to shovel it in anyway, like you had to devour every bite? Not only are we sitting down to super-sized meals at restaurants, but we are often misleading ourselves in our own homes with the amount of food on our plates. By making a simple change like cutting back on your portion size, you are cutting back on your calories. Which in turn, will lead to weight loss.

Here is the best part about limiting your portion size: you don’t have to deprive yourself.

That’s right! Once you realize that you don’t have to deprive yourself of the foods you love, but you just have to make some smart choices, it makes it easier to stick to these choices. By using a little bit of self-control, we can eat the foods we love when we want (within reason), but limit the amount of it we eat, and consume less calories.

At home, the easiest way to limit your portion size is to use a smaller plate than you normally use, and not to go back for refills. Be sure that you actually have less food on your plate than normal (don’t just pile it higher). If you’re accustomed to having 4 pieces of pizza, only have 2 or 3. Make sure on your smaller plate to limit “danger” foods, and load up on fresh vegetables and nutritious foods.

If you are a woman, don’t try to keep up with the men. Sorry gals, but reality is, their bodies need more fuel than yours. If you try to consume the same amount of food as them, you are likely to gain weight.

Stay tuned for our restaurant tips, which include portion control.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Whole Grain Bread, Good For Diet?

Whether you’re dieting for weight loss or nutrition, you’ve probably heard a lot of talk about whole grains. If you are having trouble trying to decide whether to try them or just skip bread altogether, then think about this.

Breads are one of our biggest sources of carbohydrates, which gives us energy. If you are on a low-carb diet, then you have tricked your body into starvation mode and it is burning fat instead of carbs. For you, bread is no longer an option. For everybody else, it should be.

Friday 13 April 2012

Fat Out Of Me !

Fat Out Of Me!! Wana get rid of extra body fat? API Fat Burner Advanced is what you need. RM 150 Free Shipping. Please SMS/Whatsapp me at 012-939 5094. Many had try and its work well for them, and it will work well for you too! Ask us how today ~~

Grenade Fat Burner Promotion !!

Grenade Fat Burner Promo (Valid Till 16 April 2012 or Till Stock Last)
RM 150 Only Include Shipping (Peninsular Malaysia)
Please SMS/Whatsapp me at 012-939 5094

Grenade without a doubt the strongest fat burner on the market so far. The world's strongest fat burner. Some fat burning/energising products come close but Grenade is by far the best. If you have used the rest then start using the best today and forget all the other diet pills!

Grenade is a state of the art weight management system designed to energize your metabolism. When used synergistically with a sensible diet and exercise program, Grenade can increase your energy levels, mobilize fat and help you achieve the body that you have always desired.

Amount Per Serving:

Green Tea: 500mg
Bitter Orange Peel: 420mg
Caffeine: 225mg
Cayenne: 200mg
Phenylalanine: 25mg
Green Coffee: 10mg

Other Ingredients:
Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin Capsule, (Purified Water, Colours: E133, E102 & E129), Titanium Dioxide.

Take 2 capsules with water on an empty stomach upon waking. Take 2 capsules 30 minutes prior to lunch with water. To assess tolerance, consume 1 capsule twice per day for the first 7 days. For an explosive workout, take 2 capsules prior to training. Drink at leat 8 glasses of water per day. DO NOT EXCEED 4 CAPSULES PER DAY.

Container Size: 100 Capsules
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 50

Thursday 12 April 2012

Video Games Workout~

Exercise should be both effective and fun. Who says kids should have all the fun? If you are looking for a new way to get into shape, consider buying a new gaming system that offers you lots of exercise options.

Since kids are getting more and more overweight and out of shape and video games are getting a lot of the credit for it, the makers of some gaming systems have come up with new and fun ways to exercise while you play. Some even offer accessories such as a balance board that keeps track of your goals and your progress for you.

If you play sports on the systems, make sure you play interactive ones that will have you walking, running, and swinging a tennis racket or bat for real. That’s the only way you are going to get any physical benefit from playing video games.

It’s the new way to do it, and it’s a lot better that just doing the same old workout videos over and over again. You’ll be amazed at how challenging some of these games can be. You will get so caught up in the competition, it will make your progress more challenge and make it work for you.

If you do have a child, then please, let them play, too. Encourage children to use the more active reality games to help keep them fit as well. Some of the advantages of using video game workouts are that they work and keep track of your progress so you know how well you’re doing; they can go with you if you travel a lot so you don’t have to worry about finding a gym; you never have to worry about bad weather. It's always a perfect day for a baseball game!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Choose A Right Shoes!

You’re dieting and exercising with a newfound determination to get in shape. Just about the time you start to see results, you jump out of bed one morning, and you feel an unbelievable pain in your foot. As the day goes on, the pain gets worse. When it’s time to go for your evening walk, you hope that the walking shoes you normally wear will make the pain go away. It doesn’t. You decide to skip the walk today and give your foot a rest. Little do you know, but your exercise and fitness plan just came to an end.
Bone spurs and other foot injuries can occur at any time, but when you put more pressure on your feet than normal you become more prone to injury. That’s why picking the right shoes is absolutely essential. It is the one area where you absolutely should not skimp. If you are a walker, get a good walking shoe in a good brand that is made specifically for walking. If you are a runner, then get a running shoe. If you do a variety of exercises, then get a cross trainer if you need one pair that does it all. The important thing is to get a good brand of shoe, not a blue light special brand that you’ve never heard of.

People don’t always realize how important wearing the right shoes is. Your feet are the foundation of your body and if you are already overweight, then you are putting more of a burden on them when you do any physical exercise. You need to be as kind as possible to your feet, and giving them the right support is the way to do it. And don’t always assume that if the shoes are expensive then they have to be good. Do your research!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

API Fat Burner Advanced - Herbal Ingredients - NO SIDE EFFECT

SMS/Whatsapp me at 012-939 5094

API’s FAT BURNER ADVANCED will likely end your search for the most effective weight loss formula. Be prepared to experience your weight loss goals when you implement FAT BURNER ADVANCED into your diet and exercise program.

This carefully balanced formula combines the best known and most effective lipotropics and thermogenics in the industry. The thermogenic blend of Coffee Arabica, Green Tea, Kola Nut, Cayenne Pepper, and Cinnamon helps promote your body to target fat for the production of heat. L-Carnitine, a lipotropic agent assists by transporting fat to the part of the cell where it can be used as fuel. The addition of Chromium further assists by helping control fat storage. This combination creates the best environment for burning fat while also interrupting the storage of fat. FAT BURNER ADVANCED is also a good source of antioxidants and polyphenols to fight against free radicals in the body.*

Lets Dance~

Some people just don’t like to exercise. There are no sports they enjoy, walking is too much of a burden, and exercise tapes never get unwrapped in their homes. If you can’t bear the thought of sweating it out at the gym, then the answer for you is to find something that doesn’t feel like exercise at all. One type of exercise that is fun for many people is dancing since there are choices for every type of person. 

Things like belly dancing are often taught at local dance schools etc. A good belly dancing class for beginners will encourage students to dress the part when they come to classes. Often, the idea of playing dress-up as an adult is a treat that most of us haven’t indulged in since childhood. The camaraderie in this type of class will soon have you in competition with the other students and forgetting all about the exercise component.
Line dancing is another type of class that you can go to by yourself or as a couple if you prefer and have a willing partner. All ages participate in line dancing which is also relaxing since you have to concentrate on learning steps and keeping up with other dancers.

Ballroom dancing may be more suited to your taste but will require you to go as a couple. The beauty and elegance of this dance style has made it a popular subject for many dance classes for many years.

There are a lot of other choices for you to help you dance the pounds away. Ballet or jazz, tap, modern, or anything that gets you up and moving will work as long as it is something you enjoy. The key to using dancing as your exercise program is that you must enjoy it enough to dance every chance you get!

Cook Your Own Diet Meal

Dieting is easier if you don’t have to cook your own meals. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have our own personal chefs to take care of our culinary needs and we have to fend for ourselves. But what to do if you are a lousy cook? Take a class!

Nothing will help your diet more that having the ability to make your own food with the most nutritious ingredients you can use. Knowing what you are eating will give you the power to control your weight. If you don’t know where to look for a cooking class, start with your local library. Try colleges and high schools and by the time you’ve done that, I guarantee you that you will know every cooking class available to you.

Sure, it would be a lot easier to just buy prepackaged food that give you a listing of calories and fat gram right on the package. But realistically, is that what you want to survive on for the rest of your life.

If you take a cooking class, you should learn things about food that you never knew before. This is a trade that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. You not only will learn to fix healthy, delicious meals for yourself, but entertaining will be a new joy for you. Invite your friends and family over to show off your new talent, and you will be proud of you newfound knowledge.

It is amazing how much difference there is between food that is “fixed” and that which is “prepared”. You’ll be amazed at the difference in what comes out of your kitchen. Not only will you learn the right way to prepare your favorite dishes, but how to pick out the finest ingredients as well. Take a class, you won’t be sorry you did.

Sunday 8 April 2012

How Long It Take To Get 6 Pack (Formula Inside)

I get this question more than ANY OTHER. In fact I think this question gets asked more than the 2nd,3rd and 4th most asked question combined on my site.

So exactly how quickly can you get 6 pack abs or how long will it take? At the end of this article I will provide you with a very simple formula to work it out. And when I say simple I mean SIMPLE. I am actually working on a calculator that will do it more accurately for you but I just had so many people asking this question that I had to get something on the site asap! So yes there will be people who will have a lot to say about the formula I am going to show you but this is just an easy way to give you an estimate and something to work towards.

So back to answer the main question. How long will it take to get 6 pack abs? Well it DEPENDS!
Above I just mentioned that the calculation below will be an estimate and well that is all anyone could ever give you, an estimate. For example, when I started my body transformation I was 100lbs over weight. I went to a few fitness pro’s and asked them how long it will take to get six pack abs. After normally laughing for a while (probably thinking I would never get 6 pack abs, I am that far gone) they normally said “ Anything from 12 to 18 months “.  Well you all know the story by now; 6 months after I asked the very first guy how long it will take, I was ripped!

So was that a miss calculation on the fitness pro’s side? Well yes and no. See nobody knows how hard you are going to train. Or how committed you are going to be to your diet. Or even if you are on any good diet ( I used this Diet ) at all or have a results getting workout program. NO BODY KNOWS! Only YOU! And that is why nobody can ever really tell you exactly how quickly you will get 6 pack abs or lose fat and the best they can do is provide you with an estimation based on averages

The Calculation
So now that you understand that how quickly you will get 6 pack abs depends on many things and there can be a lot of variants let’s look at what is possible and how to find an estimate so that you can set yourself a realistic goal.
There are 3 things you need to know to be able to do this calculation.
  • Your own Body Fat %.
  • How much body Fat you can lose in one week.
  • At what Body Fat % does your 6 pack abs start showing.
The very first thing I want you to do is find your body fat %. You can go to a professional (Tell them you want a body composition test) to get it done accurately or you can use our calculator for an estimate (Go to Calculator).
Next we need to chat about how quickly or how much fat can you drop in 1 week. Remember we don’t care about losing WEIGHT because that can be water, muscle etc. We only care about dropping fat. This once again is a very controversial topic as everyone will tell you something else. Most people who will tell you how much fat your can drop have never gone through a body transformation themselves and they will just tell you what they learned out of a book. Now I personally dropped on average  0.9 – 1% of body fat each week for over 6 months. Most people will tell you that is crazy! It is not possible. I have the proof, and I did it. Obviously I was super dedicated. For example I am a chocoholic and for 6 months I did not touch chocolate. NO sugar passed my lips for 6 months! I trained 6 days per week every week. I ate dam healthy etc etc. I can go on and on but what I am trying to say is this. SURE it is possible but most people will not be as dedicated as I was. Most people are just too busy. They can’t be that dedicated even if they wanted to be. So what is a good average then? Well around 0.5 – 0.7% is what you should be looking for BUT even then you will have to be very dedicated ( The fitness pro I went to did it on around 0.5%). This number will be 100% dependant on how good your workout & diet is and how committed you are to both. 6 Pack Abs don’t come easy! Then again, that is why we want them, because it will set us apart from the other average joe’s!
Finally we need to find out at what Body Fat % you will start to see your 6 Pack Abs. One of the main things this will depend on is how well developed your abs are. The more developed they are the higher your fat % can be. If your abs are not very developed then you will need to get your body fat % down a lot more before you will see your abs. That is why the fastest way to get 6 pack abs is to make sure you develop your abs and then drop your fat%. But what is that magic number? Well you should normally start to see your abs at around 7 – 8% body fat for Male and 11 – 12% for females.
Ok so now that you have the three magic numbers let’s do the math’s and get you a number!

The Formula

  • ( Current Body Fat % – 7(12 for Females ) /(Amount of Body Fat Lost Per Week ) = Weeks it will take to get 6 pack abs
Let’s quickly run through the formula by using a male who has a 18% body fat.
  • Current Body Fat % = 18
  • Amount of Body Fat Lost Per Week = 0.6 (like I said, a good average is 0.5 to 0.7 so let’s take it in the middle )
So this guy’s formula will be:
  • ( 18 – 7 ) / 0.6 = Weeks it will take him to get 6 pack abs
  • 11/0.6 = 18.3 Weeks
So he should, IF he is on a good diet and workout program and is 100% committed to it have 6 pack abs in just 18 Weeks!
Now if this guy had very well developed abs and he was extremely dedicated he could cut down the 18 weeks to just 10. ( Calculated on losing 1% body fat per week and only needing to get down to 8% body fat )

Ok so there you are. Like I said, this is an estimation and everyone will be different. This is also a very safe and realistic figure ( Dropping around .5% body fat per week ). Sure if all you did was work out and stick to your diet 24/7 you could duplicate my weekly loss of around 1% body fat but always remember, do not try and achieve any of this by starving yourself as that is when it becomes dangerous. When people starve themselves and go and train like crazy! That is unhealthy and extremely bad.
So get onto a good diet , work out hard and I promise you, no matter what your number is or how many weeks it says above it will be before you will be ripped, the weeks will fly by and you will have 6 pack abs before you know it!

Thursday 5 April 2012

API FAT Burner Advanced Testimony ~

Happy to heard he drop 10 kgs and even not a mth yet (i update my record for him for a mth) and in the sms he said he finish it 2 week ago (which mean he not take 4 tabs daily, should be take 6 tabs daily and its finish in 20 days for one bottle). Who wana to lost 10 Kgs in a month next?? API Fat Burner Advanced RM 150 Free Shipping is once again proven to be so effective in weight lost and burn fat. Interested sms me at 012-9395094 now!

Another customer who taken API Fat Burner Advanced for a month and said belly shrink abit and can wear back the old pants !! (but he dint weight Before and After so dont know how many Kgs he does lost but should be 1-2 inches of waist line) Once again API Fatburner Advances proven to be so effective in weight lost and burn fat. Interested sms me at 012-9395094 now!!

 Another impressive result...this customer cant workout much due to leg injuries but still manage to lost 3 kgs in a mth and its show that even with much workout u still can lose weight with API Fatbuner Advanced (of course if with workout and some light diet u will get more good result) Cheers to her and if Interested sms me at 012-9395094 now!!

Another big fat kicker lost 11 kgs in a month!! That is a big loser man! From 83kg to 72kgs. Big hand to this bro...so Once again API Fatburner Advances proven to be so effective in weight lost and is a big fat kicker product. Interested sms me at 012-9395094 now!!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Diet Tips - Willpower !!

Willpower isn’t something we all have in abundance. If you are trying to diet, your strategy may be to just stay away from what you can’t have. Most of the time that may be enough. But eventually there’s going to be an occasion where you have to go out to dinner with friends or family, and that always has the potential to get ugly.

“It’s just this one time” “Go ahead, eat desert, it will be my treat” “Take a bite, this cake is wonderful”. Someone who has never tried to diet doesn’t understand that one you get off track, it can be extremely difficult to get back on again.

If you know you’re going out to eat, then make your salad before you leave home. Put all the right things in it, heavy on the greens, and wash it down with clear, cold water. Fill up with fiber and calorie-free liquid before you go out. Yes, there will probably be salads at the restaurant. But you may have a problem with choosing what you want in that salad and it may be the most fattening thing you have during the meal. Not to mention, once you’re in the restaurant, you’re fair game. Salad may not even be an option and your willpower will fall by the wayside. If you’ve ever heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” then apply it to this situation. By fixing your salad at home, you may prevent sabotaging yourself into several pounds.

Also keep in mind that caffeine is a stimulant. If you drink iced tea or diet soda with your meal, it may cause you to be hungrier. The water that you drank with your salad before you left home will serve a purpose as well. It will quench your thirst, fill you up, and keep you from being as hungry instead of making you even hungrier.

Monday 2 April 2012

Diet Tips - Brush Teeth

When you are dieting, it’s too easy to stick just one more bite of food in your mouth. You’ll grab a piece of candy or a cookie and think nothing of it. We are just inclined to eat a little more. If you can call attention to what you are doing, you may talk yourself out of eating hundreds of unnecessary calories each day. How?

Suppose you brought yourself a nice, low-cal salad to work for lunch. When you’ve finished, and you don’t want to eat anything else, go to the restroom, pull your toothbrush and toothpaste out, and clean your teeth! Some people do this anyway, but most of us lack the discipline to brush our teeth after work, especially since it means taking along a toothbrush and often brushing in a bathroom where your co-workers come and go.

Make yourself do it. Not only is it going to help you with your diet, but it’s also going to improve your mouth’s hygiene. Fewer pounds, and fewer cavities. What more could you want from such a simple act?

Once you’ve brushed your teeth, put on lipstick or gloss. This may not sound like much of a diet measure, but the truth is, it makes you conscious of what you stick in your mouth. When you brush your teeth at night, are you still tempted to go raid the refrigerator before you go to bed? Probably not. You are aware of the clean feeling in your mouth, and it will help you think about it before you stick that cookie in there and dirty it up again.

Of course, lunch isn’t the only meal where you need to do this. For once in your life, you need to brush after every meal. The lipstick or lip gloss is just a kind of backup plan to help you remember.